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Tour dell’Alta Via dei Monti Lattari

The first stop is the Badia di Cava, located in the area of Corpo di Cava di Cava de 'Tirreni. Read more
The Acquafredda spring, also known as 'Scetate which is juorno', is a locality located near the Monte dell’Avvocata. Read more
A refreshment stop for body and spirit is the Sanctuary near Mount dell'Avvocata, precisely suspended on a peak on Mount Read more
From the Sanctuary of the Avvocata towards Monte Finestra. Our journey continues with the Monti del Demanio. Read more
Monte Finestra is a fundamental stage of our itinerary with a wonderful panorama. Read more
Le Chiancolelle is a town near the Chiunzi Pass. The path to reach the locality from Monte Finestra is a Read more
Monte Cerreto , 1316m high, is the second peak of the Lattari Mountains, surpassed only by the Sant'Angelo a 3 Read more
Following the Alta Via dei Monti Lattari after the Monte Cerreto , overcoming the plane of Megano and the summit Read more
After the Monte Cerreto and the crossing of the paths at the Imbarrata you reach the locality of Crocella (1002m) Read more
The path 300 CAI crosses the path 350 CAI as soon as you arrive at Castellone on Monte Faito . Read more
Traveling along the 300 from Monte Faito or from the Santuario di San Michele you will soon reach the junction Read more
Coming down from Cross of the Conocchia you reach the Barracks Forestale located near Agerola. The descent is a little Read more
From the ascent from Monte Faito , Conocchia and the Molare along their southern side you reach the saddle before Read more
Along the Alta via dei Monti Lattari from the Barracks of the Forestry you first reach the village of Santa Read more
From the steep descent of Monte Comune </ em> you reach the Sella di Arola through a chestnut wood. At Read more
The promontory of Malacoccola is one of the points of landscape interest located along the southern slope of the Sorrento Read more
Arriving from the promontory Malacoccola along the Alta Via crossing some lands cultivated with olive trees and orti you reach Read more
Continuing along the path 300 CAI from Torca , after crossing the pine forest on the coast, you reach the Read more
We left the beach of Recommone and we continue towards the last stretch of Alta Via dei Monti Lattari. From Read more
From Monte San Constanzo to the tip of the Sorrento peninsula is just over 3km away. Cross the Pineta di Read more
The Alta Via dei Monti Lattari ends in Termini, a hamlet of Massa Lubrense. From Punta Campanella along the entire Read more